Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day kind of got lost in the shuffle and chaos of lambing and wedding preparations. When the truck got stuck in the snow bank, while trying to free Randy's truck that got stuck in the snow bank, I didn't get to the mall to buy shoes and some other dainties needed to complete my wedding outfit. One can't walk her daughter down the aisle, then dance the night away without the proper foot ware. Mia is looking for my fantasty heels, but where she is going to find the time is beyond me. We'll think of something. Some things I need to consider:

1. Find shoes and the proper undergarments for two slinky gowns.
2. Sew 16 pewter clasps on the black velvet cloaks and hem the bridal cloak
I finished yesterday.
3. Band 30 lamb tails in the next two days.
4. Clean the apartment sufficiently for a family of four to live in while I'm away.
5. Make sure I have necessary pet food, milk replacer, hay, etc. for the critters.
6. Buy roses at Price Chopper for the bridal party bouquets which we will put
together at Mia's apartment in NJ.

Just checked the weather - good report! 40F. and sunny in Morristown on Saturday with only 10% chance of precipitation! Yay! Perfect for velvet cloaks, pictures, people travelling, etc. It's tough when your ski bunny daughter wants to have a winter wedding, but it looks like we will be okay weather-wise.

1 comment:

  1. # 3 could be show two crazy canadians how to do it and let them have at it and #4 is don't worry about it!!!

    HUGS to all
    Kim and crew
    counting down the days!!


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