Saturday, February 12, 2011

Still Coming

Two sets of twins yesterday, one set born well before I got home from work and one born just as I was coming in. I had to stop to visit a student's home for IEP input, then feed store to get molasses for new moms, otherwise I might have been here for second set. Everybody doing okay, I think, but one mom is limping. Maybe nerve damage from birth? We'll see. Sadly, my purebred beauty queen Bluefaced Leicester mom laid on the bigger of her ewe twins, who was quite flattened. The remaining twin is teeeeny tiny, so much so I might bring her inside as I don't think she is big enough to nurse. I remember my Fiona being that small and survived. The "high percentage" crossbreds are having gigantic, healthy lambs. My poor old Myrna, whose picture is painted on my Bundaflicka sign, gave birth to a stillborn black ewe. She has a history of carrying to term then delivering lambs stillborn. Wish I knew why. I would find a set of beautiful twins lying dead in the field for no reason. The last time she gave birth, three years ago, she had a live set of gorgeous ewe twins and I thought it might have worked out okay because I was there to take care of them right away. This time I was there and helped pull the last part of the dead lamb out of her. No chance to save it. Poor Myrna. Sheep love their babies and mourn terribly over them. They roam around the barn crying for their missing babies. I quickly grabbed the little sweetheart ewe lamb who was seperated from her mom and then rejected while I was at work, and rubbed her with Myrna's dead baby fluids. I got her in a pen with the orphan lamb and she started licking! Now Myrna has a baby and the lamb has a loving mom with great teats and lots of milk. Happiness abounds. With bags of lamb replacer going for $50 I am grateful for any help with getting those lamb bellies full. The new lamb born this morning should be dry by now. I like to give moms and babies alone time together. Don't know where I'm going to put them, but I'll figure something out.

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