Friday, February 25, 2011

Sewing Again

It was the perfect day to cut out a Bundaflicka bag and get started on a new crop of totes. Mia donated some gorgeous draperies I made several years back, then gave to her but she's moving and can't use them. I love the buttercream yellow and crewel-like flowers. I making a messenger type bag first. Only one strap and no button or closure to sew. I added a strip of pockets on the outside of the body, which will be hidden by the flap. That will make nine pockets on one little bag. I'm known for my pockets. Out to do chores. It's been snowing and blowing all day, with the barn banging and creaking over my head. I love a good storm. It makes having all my critters under this big, giant roof very satisfying indeed.


  1. Nice fabrics-and I love the kitty pic!

  2. That kitten is cute it hurts!


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