Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Up and At 'Em

Sombra, my lovely black Bluefaced Leicester ewe, is doing well despite having two dead lambs pulled out of her today. She is nibbling on hay and doing her little sheep muttering when I walk by. I nursed out some colostrum from Sombra while she was down to save for lambs with dry mothers. Colostrum is like gold and gives a newborn lamb or kid necessary antibodies and energy to thrive. You can buy powdered colostrum but it's not the same. There are specific antibodies in colostrum that the sheep and goats have developed to fight diseases that this flock has been exposed to. I would also like to keep Sombra in milk in case I have a lamb rejected by it's mother, or triplets, or whatever happens - and, in my experience, anything can happen.

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