Saturday, January 15, 2011

Still Snowing

Had a lovely time in Pompey with a great group of folks, all friends and co-workers of Dale and Stephanie Sherman-Cross. I knitted on a sock I started who-knows-when. It was snowing when we left and continued the whole time we were away from the farm. We followed a team of two snow plows, side by side on route 20, all the way there and all the way home. The last eight miles to Brookfield was eerily silent on a covered road in driving snow. On the way to the party we stopped at The Key in Cazenovia, an upscale thrift shop I've wanted to check out for years but never hit the time right. I scored a new pair of J. Crew fleece top boots for Mia to wear on her ski honeymoon in Switzerland, along with a gorgeous Icelandic sweater. I also picked up an Eddie Bauer sweater, a Ralph Lauren sweater and some lined wool pants. Real neat stuff and incredible deals. This shop supports the local Episcopal church. Home early to check for lambsicles and do chores. Matt is watching Black Hawk Down, very disturbing even though I've seen it before. Was hoping for SNL but he is riveted. Still snowing and getting colder tomorrow, negative digits. Randy, my former BOCES student, delivered about a month's worth of firewood today. Good thing, I'm burning it like crazy.

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