Sunday, January 02, 2011


There is no room big enough for my stash. I need a warehouse. I own a suitable warehouse - my tractor shed, or pole barn, which contains the flotsam and jetsam of my former life. Where to put all that stuff? I would have to pour a concrete floor and insulate the building, which is 40 by 30 I think. I think I'll stick to my little room for now. It's warm and cozy and if I leave the door open I have a view of the wood stove and TV. There's even a sofa nearby for when I go horizontal. Time to get some dinner together and I won't be leftover lamb I'm afraid. No matter how tender, juicy and delicious Matt says it is, I still felt like I was eating my children. Maybe I can trade all these legs o' lamb for more of Sister Grace's Bread and Butter pickles? Now that would be a fantastic trade!

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