Sunday, January 23, 2011

So Cold

Minus ten and going down as of 11 PM. I gave the sheep extra hay tonight. Hay keeps sheep and goats warmer than grain as it combusts inside them and makes heat. The temp in the barn is 20F. Not as warm as I would hope, but the east end door is frozen wide open and there are still many holes for air to get in. I managed to sew one of Mia's bridesmaid's capelets today. It will be lovely - black velvet over the orchid chiffon gowns. I was concerned about how the velvet would hang over the lining we chose but it's great. The capelets won't keep the ladies very warm, but will allow them to get some pictures taken and into the hotel a block away without freezing too quickly. I'm exhausted and need some shut eye stat.


  1. I am so sorry Maggie for the loss of Zara, of all the years I was raising goats I never had a problem with any of the does prolapsing until a couple years ago and I had three of them, why would that happen....I do not is so stressful!! My thoughts are with you.

  2. Those ladies are going to look so elegant in their capes and gowns all lined up together :) And of course there will be a stunning pair of blondes the bride and her mother both radiant!

  3. Anonymous9:09 PM

    hence the term: hayburner!


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