Friday, January 21, 2011

Sheep Stress

As if my job is not stressful enough...
I have two sheep with vaginal prolapses. Yes, I know, not for the weak of stomach. I had a feeling it would happen and there I am this morning - lying on the hay pack, up to my elbow inside this poor ewe who is flat out. When a sheep prolapses the bladder becomes distended and the poor girl can't pee. I had to push the prolapse back in to relieve the bladder. Urine came gushing out around my arm. No lamb coming down, but she is dilated three fingers. I got Beastie Boy up to help me and he held her head while I did this. We got a prolapse harness on her, not easy to do on a sheep who won't get up. I gave her Banamine to reduce swelling as per Dr. Rachel's instructions, and an antibiotic to hopefully prevent infection from tissues being exposed to dirt, etc. This is Sombra, a beautiful, great big black sheep who is such a dear. She lambed effortlessly last year. I'm wondering what happened this time. Fortunately I was able to speak with Dr. Rachel this morning for a consultation. Needless to say, I called in Sheep. Can't get Robin on the phone, but she knows what to do without me. Have to go get hay. I'm down to 7 bales, a pittance, with 6-12 inches of snow forecast. Another winter with an empty hay mow and picking up hay every week. Not what was supposed to happen, but here we are.


  1. Oh my poor Sombra!!! I hope she will be okay! Pobrecita mia...but I know she is in good hands. AND, I'm glad to know that she lambed fine last year.

  2. Oh my poor Sombra!!! I hope she will be okay! Pobrecita mia...but I know she is in good hands. AND, I'm glad to know that she lambed fine last year.


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