Saturday, January 29, 2011

Pretty Chickens

I'm not getting many eggs right now, but then the amount of eggs chickens lay is directly related to amount of daylight they receive. I get a about a dozen every other day and a half dozen on the off day. They sure are delicious. I just ate two right from the nest box and thanked the girls for their gifts. And the eggs come in their own biodegradable packaging! I don't care about the number of eggs as the girls are so pretty to look at. I could do with fewer roosters. They are a real pain in the butt when they are all living in the barn. I keep catching them and tossing them outside, but who wants to stay outside when you have a nice cozy barn to hang it? The girls like a big male or two around, but too many boys chasing them is problematic. Funny how the animal world relates to real life - you only need one good male in your life!

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