Saturday, January 29, 2011

Patience is a Virtue

I spent some time sitting in the pen with Prince William and his mom, showing him where the teat is, slipping the teat through the side of his mouth and holding him under the chin while he slurps some milk. He tends to pitch forward right past the teat and rummage around the udder to find it again without latching on. I'm hoping with patience and persistence he will get it in a day or two. I filed down a sharp tooth last night but another one sprouted overnight, or maybe I missed it. Mom is incredibly wonderful about letting me sit in the pen and fool around with her udder and her baby. At first we went round and round and she toppled me over, but I put the baby under her while I was nursing her out into a bottle so she stayed still rather than hurt her baby. Shepherds are full of tricks you learn over the years - mostly the hard way - and we utilize every bit of experience we can muster. Prince William likes when I come along and roots on my leg, then blows hot kisses onto my lips when I sit on the hay with him on my lap. He associates my presence with a warm, full belly. Kate Middleton, next door with her mom, has it all figured out and nurses regularly. What a smart little girl she is.

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