Saturday, January 01, 2011

Happy Doggies

The dogs are getting a New Year treat with lamb parts today. I'm taking down the Christmas tree, which has been under attack by Tanner lately. I blamed it on the kitties at first, then figured out it was Miss T. instead. She was even eating the candy canes, and pulling off the light strings. I don't like taking out a perfectly fresh tree, but the goaties will thank me when I throw it over the fence. Goats and sheep love evergreens and the roughage is very good for them. The weather continues to be a balmy 50 F., enabling Matt to climb up the hay elevator and replace the belt. I am going to change my guest room into a fabric storage and "office" room - long time coming and very much needed. Matt doesn't like the idea, but I'm pulling rank and age on him. I can fix up my sheep show trailer as a guest cottage for visitors - very romantic and farmy in the barnyard. I need a place to put my fabric where it is free from cats, dogs and where I can put up a cutting table. I'll be starting Mia's bridesmaid's velvet capelets and can't have cat hair on the black velvet!

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