Friday, January 07, 2011

Friday Night

Another snowy commute with a wary eye watching the snow fall all day from the classroom window. Home to play in the snow with the doggies and do my after work routine. While putting out hay I saw a young ewe chase Izzy and Holly around the barn, baaaaing and baaaing, acting like she was protecting a lamb. Sure enough, there was a reddish spot on her behind the size of a baseball. I got the dogs inside and went back to check. I was dismayed to see what looked like a prolapse happening - the uterus containing the lamb coming out of the sheep. I had a prolapse once before and it's not fun. The ewe wore a harness for several weeks before she finally gave birth. Once a ewe prolapses she is likely to do it again and shouldn't be bred. I called the answering service and Dr. Caitlin MacIntosh called back right away. She wants me to examine the ewe to see if she's dilated and ready to give birth. If she is, I can give Oxytocin to help the birth along. If not I should put on a harness. I think I remember how I did it last time, with several lengths of baling twine. At last check the ewe is lying down and quiet, chewing her cud. My instincts tell me to wait and see. This is a first time mom. Most of the ewes are veteran moms and I know what to expect. I better stay home tomorrow, build lambing pens and watch for trouble - or babies. A shepherd is aware and there!

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