Sunday, December 19, 2010

Welcoming Committee

I returned home from running errands in Hamilton to find this welcoming committee waiting for me. Baby Thunder was standing in the driveway, then Matt came out looking for him. What a lovely sunny day it was today. I did some Christmas shopping, which, for me, in recent years, is an erratic, spontaneous happening. I just pick things up here and there as I see them. Tonight I'll wrap and get a few things out tomorrow. I spent some time tonight scraping the milk room floor after it flooded when Matt cleared the drain. A couple of inches of poop, hay and dirt had made a thick carpet that was extremely annoying to me. I could not do any washing for a couple of weeks, even with the new washer, until the drain was cleared, and that meant dealing with the water. I spent two hours I would rather have spent on other things but there we are. The farm is a full time job that is never done satisfactorily, and the inside, combined with my farm craft business, is the same. I can't do one to the exclusion of the other so I vacillate between the two. Then there is my teaching job, which takes away from the other two. I need three of me, but that's not going to happen so I just deal with it. The Berlin Ballet is doing the Nutcracker and that makes me happy. We are cooking our Christmas dinner in school tomorrow and that will be nice. Robin's "Special Emotional Needs" class will join us. I have cranberries and popcorn for the kids who are not cooking to string, while we watch Coraline on the Smart Board. Then Tuesday and Wednesday and I am free to stay home on the farm for a week and a half. Since lambs are coming any minute, that will be a blessing indeed.


  1. looking forward to lamb news and pictures! Happy Christmas week ;)

  2. What a wonderful welcoming commitee -two handsome gentlemen :)
    HUGS to all!
    Stay warm and toasty -expecially the little lambsicles.

  3. Sounds so much like my life with my bunch of kids. I wish I could split myself in two.


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