Friday, December 31, 2010

New Blood
Zack is my new Border Leicester ram, purchased from a 4-H family at Maryland Sheep and Wool last May. Libby graciously offered to transport him home to her farm and keep him for me until I was ready. She brought him the other day with her sons, Niko and Pete. Zack is gorgeous - big boned and bursting with wool. It's not as nice as my BFL wool, but I'm hoping to put some density in my fleeces and Zack should do fine. I kept him separate for a day, but Zack would have nothing to do with that and tried to squeeze through the wire panel requiring some quick work with the cutters. Libby was right - Zack is a lover and we've had no fights or fuss. My old ewe, Moira, has been butting him a bit but I think it is an old lady crush on a hot young fella. Zack is a "Babe" sheep and fits right in with my Bluefaced Leicesters. Thanks, Libby, for taking such good care of him the last six months!

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