Saturday, December 18, 2010

Bundles of Joy

I'm preparing goody bags for Matt's weatherization group. We're heading for the Christmas party today. With the current attention being given to the need for saving energy, Matt's non-profit company has grown from 3 people to 18. They are a real nice group of folks who conduct training classes for local agencies who weatherize the homes of the poor and disabled. I actually found a NEW Christmassy dress in my old trailer, hanging up, waiting to be worn to such an event. I lived in that little trailer for a year when I first moved here. I bought the best barn I could find and unfortunately, it did not come with a house. The sheep come first, ofcourse. When I opened the trailer door in the dark last night, I had a flashback of me, lying on the pull-out cot, covered with dogs and two space heaters going full tilt trying to keep that little tin can over 40 degrees. I had a portapotty but they took that away in December when they could no longer empty it without it freezing. I had to dig a trench to the milk room where I had a camp potty and where Matt and I, when he came home from working in NJ on weekends, took our Saturday night baths in a stock tank. Those were the days...

1 comment:

  1. Maggie, It was really nice to meet you at the Christmas party and the Soaps were a very special gift. Thank you so much.

    Lori N.


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