Tuesday, November 09, 2010


I have to do something about the kitties who sleep on my head. I realize my big Swedish head with all the hair is a comfy cushion for dozing kitties, but once in a while they wake up and play with my dangly sheep earrings (thank you, Henya of Chicken Stitches!) and lick my ears with their rough little kitty tongues. We have to stop meeting like this. If I stretch out my legs I hit a dog, usually Pip, who is keeping my feet warm. The other dogs are either in with Matt or on the other little sofa. I'm still in my vacation mode of sleeping on my big giant soft sofa in front of the television. I can wake up and change channels, or sit up and wrap a few bars of soap. This lifestyle does not necessarily provide me with the rest I need. I think tonight I will abandon the kitties and doggies in favor of a real bed. I have a funny habit of crowding out anyone I sleep with, which current husband does not enjoy. Why wouldn't a husband like a wife who wraps her arm around his head and throws her leg up over his back in her sleep? I can't help it, and he ends up on the edge holding on to the bed table to keep from falling over the side. On a farmy note, I brought Thor, Finn and Knut in from the sleet to spend the night in the barn last night. Not my fault - I am a Jewish mother! I figure if the sheep are in the barn why not the guard dogs? I tell you they were three happy dogs who didn't even bark when I took the dogs out this morning.


  1. My hubby sleeps in a recliner in the living room..His shoulders hurt so bad he can't sleep in a bed. So I get the whole bed to my self... I do miss him ~! Some early mornings he will get in bed with me and it's great.. Have a great time wrapping all those soaps. I'll bet they make your hands smooth..and smelling good.

  2. You are so funny! I know exactly how your DH feels. I have a sister with sleeping habits like you. We slept together on one sofa as kids and I usually woke up on the floor or with her knee in my ribs. She claims she did not do it. Ha!


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