Sunday, November 28, 2010

Food Fest

Oh, we ate so well this past weekend. I felt like Queen for Three Days, with all that fabulous food put in front of me, starting with Andrew's superb Thanksgiving Feast, followed by Mia cooking me scrambled eggs with mushrooms and fresh dill, to the Bridal Shower smorgasbord at the Hyatt. Now it's home to my own country farm fare. No problem with that, but I have to procure it, cook it, serve it, then clean up after myself. Sometimes I think I want something to eat, but then tell myself, no, you'll just have to wash the dishes. My morning's work today, the Thanksgiving turkey soup, held me all day. I soaked the White Boy's kibble with it and they ate ALL their dinner tonight. Livestock Guardian Dogs often cover their food and save it for later in case they need it in lean times - but not tonight. They were so good for Kim when she farm sat, I wanted to thank them for doing such a good job guarding the farm. We did get some farm work done today. Matt picked up hay and stapled heavy duty plastic over some open windows. We moved the flock to the bottom of the barn from the upper hay mow. They are a bit wary of their old home now that it has been cleaned out and they can walk on concrete floor. They will spend the winter in there and only have access to a small barnyard outside. The snow drifts will prevent any climbing up the hill anyway. I think Monkey and Lola will be giving birth shortly. Monkey wants to lie down all the time. I watched a baby moving around Lola's abdomen today, swimming and kicking. Baby angora goats are sooo adorable. Lambs won't be far behind. Kim reminded me that Lilly had Luna be this time last year. I will have to start late night barn checks now, and get out there early in the morning. I just have to get through the next two weekends with back to back shows. Good bye Sleep, it was nice knowing you.

1 comment:

  1. That is what good times are for - happy memories.


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