Monday, October 11, 2010

Wish Me Luck

Big Jim Baldwin is coming to shear today. This is usually a cause for celebration as I will have lots of pretty wool to play with and the sheep will be able to scratch where it itches...however, Randy has a doctor's appointment and Andrew got a job at the gas station. It's just me and Mattie, a couple of old crippled hippies who will likely be more crippled after today - or worse. Some of my sheep at close to 200 pounds and don't like to be handled. They may have to wait. I mainly want to get the wool off my FIVE intact ram lambs, gorgeous creatures that they are. I'd like to take those fleeces to Rhinebeck to sell as raw BFL wool, which I rarely do. This wool is soooo pretty - the classic tiny little crimp on long locks. I don't have the proper handling equipment (long story but I decided not to whine and complain today) so a bucket of corn and a shepherd's crook will have to do. Fortunately, Jim is very patient and takes his time. Wish me luck. In case something goes terribly wrong, in lieu of flowers, please send donations to PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) or the Salvation Army. Let's hope it doesn't come to that...

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