Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Let's Get Going

These dark, cold, damp mornings are not helping to get me going. It's "hump day" which usually helps, knowing I'm on the long slide to the weekend, but I'm not feeling it. My pretty moose and pine tree candle box is ruined, after a soy wax jar candle broke sending wax all over the TV and table below. The carbon monoxide alarm was going off for a while before I realized it was not Matt's alarm clock. No headache yet, but I'm waiting. Holly chased a skunk and was thoroughly sprayed this morning. Between the smoke and skunk my apartment is very aromatic. Good thing I have to get the heck outta here to go to work. I'm dying to spin my new Rambouillet roving, then the Merino/BFL I finally picked up from the mill. Should be very springy and soft. I'll spin it into yarn, then dye it. That will have to wait until work, then chores, then dinner, then more chores. My bit of free time last night was taken up with a very wooly German angora, who was very anxious to unload his gift of fiber. I have an idea of what to do with the little matts that come off the bunnies. I will dye them, then felt them between two pieces of wool. It should make for a trapunto effect. We'll see. For now I have to be satisfied with doing it in my head, as duty calls and I am on the road to school. I have a more challenging class this year. No knitting and sewing just yet. We'll see. I sure do miss my girls from last year. Now I have mostly rowdy boys. Gotta deal.


  1. Love seeing all your pictures and hearing all your stories from Rhinebeck. Sorry about the broken candle mess and the skunk...but at least there are only two days till the weekend!

  2. Sorry you are feeling down. And I can definatelly simpathize with that smoke alarm-skunk mess.
    Just look at the wonderful creatures around you. That bunny is somethig spesial.


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