Monday, October 18, 2010

Henya Came to Visit

My dear friend, Henya Kazatchkov, of Chicken Stitches fame, came to visit me at Rhinebeck. She brought her daughters, Rivka and Rochel, and her husband, Eli, with her. Henya is emigrating to Israel in a couple of months. I wish we had more time to spend together before she leaves. Henya is an expert's expert knitter and creates the most beautiful and elegant stitch markers, pendants and "knitter's jewelry." I'm wearing a pair of her lovely sheep stitch markers as earrings now.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much Maggie! I just got to read my friends blogs after the fire here.
    Your kindness is so much appresiated! I realy needed to hear it.
    Love you so very much.


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