Monday, October 18, 2010

Celebrity Sighting

I wandered over to Donna Carlson's Sheep Shed, just across the aisle from me, and saw Uma Thurman poking around. She kept her head down and was moving very fast. The Red Maple guys next to me came over later and told me she bought socks from them. My excitement at spotting her was tempered by the fact that she walked right past my booth without coming in. Can you imagine the thrill of having such a beautiful movie star buying my soap or creme, or, better yet, a bag? Uma is very tall and slender, with her wispy hair pulled back in a knot. I really liked her Cats and Dogs movie, with Jeanine Garafolo. Wish I had the nerve to speak to her, but I know she preferred her privacy.


  1. How cool for you! I spoke to Uma by accident (not fully realizing it was her till later), about 10 months ago. We were both shopping in the same furniture store in NYC and I kept walking past her, I finally told her, "You look just like Uma Thurman." To which she replied, "I used to."

  2. Too cool that you caught that moment on 'film'... that is me, in black, choosing my sheep mug. Thanks for catching that moment for me. I'm not a fan type person... but it's a cool thing to happen. Usually I am always soooo out of the loop.


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