Sunday, September 05, 2010

A Brief Escape

I finally got loaded up and took off for Morristown to visit Mia before school starts and the fur flies. I brought her my Etienne Aigner raincoat with matching purse and three pair of boots from Chez Tractor Shed. The repository of all my worldly, as in New Jersey, goods yielded a giant box of shoes from my former life. I squealed with delight as I found new Dansko shoes still in the boxes with many pairs of well-worn, battle scared but still good, shoes I can polish up and wear to school this year. I didn't know how or when I would be able to buy any school clothes, and still don't know, but we've got SHOES! I'm dying to hit a couple of thrift shops locals in NY have turned me on to but have no idea when I can escape to Cortland or Cazenovia. Escape to New Jersey I did manage - after ridiculous traffic tie-ups on Route 17, which is usually a lovely drive. An accident then construction added an extra hour or so on to what should have been a three and a half hour trip. I pulled in to Staples in Morristown and Mia helped me haul six bags, 40 pounds, of dyed fiber in to the UPS counter and pack it for shipping to the mill. That would make 90 pounds I'm expecting back for sale this fall and whenever. Hope the customers like it. This summer's run is flavored with an enormous amount of sweat equity. Thankfully the heat wave is gone and the weather is beautiful here in upscale Morristown. Mia and I sat on a plush couch in a coffee shop on Main Street and watched all the beautiful people with their doggies walking by. Oh, to be away from the craziness of the farm for a day or sublime.

1 comment:

  1. Maggie, Maggie - where are youuuuu! Quite busy I'm sure, miss your posts :(


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