Friday, July 02, 2010

Tender Mercies

My darling daughter, Mia, was given the Daisy Award for Extraordinary Nurses last month. The Daisy Nurse is a national program Morristown Memorial Hospital participates in. I'm not at all surprised. She has a warm, caring and tender heart. I remember when she decided to take a year off her Rutgers education to work in the Bone Marrow Transplant Center at Robert Wood Johnson as a tech to make sure she wanted a career in medicine. Mia found her niche. She finally had a mission in life that suited her perfectly. The stories she told were heart wrenching. Mia helped two little girls wash their dying mother's hair. Things like that happened on a daily basis at the transplant center. I couldn't stand it, but Mia could - and she thrived. How she passed all those horrific science and math courses I have no idea, but she mastered them and is still in school working on her MSN at the University of Medicine and Dentistry in Newark, NJ. Mia is a Daisy Nurse through and through. My WWII Army Nurse Corp mother would be so proud.

1 comment:

  1. Hurray for Mia!!!! She is definetely derserving of an award like that!!!


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