Saturday, July 17, 2010


A wild storm came through tonight. A giant black disk of a cloud drifted over the farm and poured buckets of rain with spears of lightning and booming thunder. The pink sunset was still shining around the storm cloud making a beautiful aura. Luke and I climbed the ladder to the hay mow and watched the storm rage for a while. He decided it was safer in the apartment beneath the hay mow and asked if we could go back inside. I knew we were alright with the extensive lightning rod system on top of the metal roof and we were well away from the door. I was enjoying sitting with Chris my llama and some sheep who had run in upstairs instead of down to the lower barn where they mostly live. But we went inside and could still hear the pounding on the roof and windows. I trust the pond is replenished with the downpour and the springs that run into it from underground. It was getting a little "thick" with aquatic plants and needed a bit of a flushing. Now maybe the fields will start growing again. It's been so ghastly hot and dry.

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