Tuesday, July 06, 2010


The weather report was correct, no relief from the heat through this week. Definitely another pond day. Kiddies are sleeping, Mia - Wonder Woman - went for a run around Brookfield, AJ is sleeping in the sheep show trailer (although I don't know how he could sleep with sheep baaing at the top of their lungs for some unapparent reason) and Maggie is enjoying knowing that they are all here. I just love, love, love having my kids around me. We might hit the movies tonight as Luke wants to see the new airbender movie and Mia, Hannah and I want to see Eclipse. We thought Uncle AJ could take Luke to his movie so we could do the girly thing. Tomorrow we have to get ready for the Madison County Fair to start on Thursday. Billy Goat will be a featured fiber animal if I can get him to the vet for papers. Better get on that right away. I love this quiet time in the morning so I can drink my two cups of Sumatran French Roast from the Hamilton Whole Foods, listen to politics on Morning Joe, play with my kitties, fondle fabric, and check Facebook. Life is good.

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