Thursday, July 01, 2010


I've been collecting (hoard is too harsh a word) good upholstery fabric for years. I didn't intend to move to a place where the only fabric store, one belonging to a commercial chain (which may not have the most interesting fabric) is half hour away. Was something telling me I was going to need all this fabric? Hmmmmm...that's something to ponder. I've unearthed some nice stuff around here lately and found some Bundaflicka totes already cut out. What a joy, just start sewing. I have a good supply of buttons with a sack of polymer clay ready to roll. I can sew and bake til the sheep come home. I'm hoping I can get Hannah started on bag designing. She can sew her way through college. In such a precarious world people need help carrying the load. Hannah can make a little walking around money and do a public service at the same time.

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