Thursday, July 08, 2010

Izzy Takes the Plunge!

For four years Izzy has stood on the side of the pond watching the other dogs swim for tennis balls, or just swim in circles for the joy of it. We have tried carrying him into the water and putting him in the shallow area, making him swim a couple of feet back to the shore just to show him how good it feels. That only traumatized him further, so we left him alone to play in the field. Yesterday we watched in amazement as Izzy put his little paws hesitantly into the pond water and wade in. Then he started to swim to me! Maybe it was the 100 degree heat, maybe it was the new inner tube, who knows? I pulled him up on to my lap and we floated for hours. I brought him in, thinking he might have had enough and he swam back out to me! Hannah and Luke were thrilled and so proud of Izzy. We'll see what happens when we go back to the pond today...

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