Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Here We Go Again

I have three hens sitting on eggs around the barn, that I know of. The ladies find clever places to hatch their chicks, away from cats and me, I think. I heard this baby cheeping and looked up from the rabbit cage where I was watering today. I think I will let the moms worry about their little ones this summer. I usually take the chicks into the bathroom to keep them from freezing, etc., but they are on their own now. I would take the whole group into the chicken room but I'm afraid the hens in there would be mean to the new girl and her kids...the pecking order, you know. I'm down 15 roosters after a trip to K&K in Edmeston, where my birds broke their grinder. Instead of getting back a load of ground up cat food, I got a load of rooster quarters that is probably only good for chicken stock. I'll have a LOT of chicken soup this winter.

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