Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Harry Potter Party

Luke and I had a Harry Potter slumber party last night. I designated after 10 PM as "grown-up TV time," but there was nothing on I wanted to watch, or that would be appropriate for little ones to passively observe. The Half-Blood Prince was coming on, and Luke was jumping up and down, so that was it. He is three books into the series, and I'm trying to be supportive. I love the way he takes out his book whenever he has some down time - in the car, at the fair, at home, etc. Those reading habits will set him for a lifetime of pleasure and enrichment. Anyway, we turned off ALL the lights and Luke lit some candles (in spite of the heat!) He said, Omi let's snuggle under the covers and watch the movie. It won't be much longer that he offers me an invitation like that! I think he lasted a little longer than I did before slipping away to Orpheus-land. I woke up, blew out the candles, tucked him in, turned the night-night light back on and went to bed. Happy Harry Potter, Lukie.

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