Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Billy Goat is now naked...well, almost. We sheared off his lovely champagne curls last night in our last burst of energy before bedtime...Billy was not happy to have to stand still and turn this way and that way, but we told him it was for the best. He had collected some burdock and we didn't want him to get hung up on any brush in the field. It is very dangerous for goats to have long mohair on them when wandering through bushy areas. They could get caught and the tough mohair might not give way. With so many goats I might not realize someone is missing. We don't even want to go there. Hannah says Billy looks like a Goodle now, get it - goat/poodle? I didn't want to embarrass Billy with a picture of him looking so awkward. He's used to being stroked and admired, not laughed at. Billy's fleece will grow back fast, but never as soft and lovely as his kid mohair baby curls.

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