Saturday, July 31, 2010

Farmer's Market

The weather was lovely and the tourists came out. It's a lot of work to get to the market, set up, chat with patrons and passersby, then take down and drag ourselves home. The kids had a good time. Hannah loves to shop. I make a "boy cave" underneath the table for Luke to hide in. I wanted to crawl into it and take a nap myself. The market is a happening, festive place where I see friends on a regular basis. It's good to rub elbows with people who are trying to scratch out a living by growing or creating things themselves, rejecting commercialism and wholesalers. Blueberries are in season here in Central New York. I bought five quarts for Hannah and I to make jam. I brought home some kale for my bunnies and some handmade cheese from the Dutch lady in Leonardsville, the next town up on route 8. Luke thinks it's way too much work to do the market, and is recuperating on the sofa now.

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