Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Kids and Ducks

My students never know what they will find in my room. Today it was baby ducks playing in the sink. The chicks stayed in their crate in the kiln roomd until I could get them home. As luck would have it, the principal, who rarely comes in my room, came looking for her easel and said, what's that peeping? I thought, uh-oh, I'm in big trouble. When I told her I couldn't keep them in my truck in this hot weather she said no problem. She was totally cool. So we continued to play with our ducks. I love the end of the year. Anything can happen, even baby ducks in school.

1 comment:

  1. Maggie, you so remind me of a wonderful art teacher I had when I was young - she encouraged, encouraged and was always up to something interesting.


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