Sunday, April 25, 2010

Wrapping Soap

I used to farm it out but now I enjoy wrapping my soap. There's a certain zen to it - the aroma, the fabric, the cute sheepy labels designed for me by Carol Crayonbox. Mia and I wrapped this Patchouli soap during her visit this week. The Laurel Birch fabric is perfect. Very pricey, but the colors are fabulous and worthy of my favorite essential oil.


  1. Wow, what a wonderful site. It's like I've been there. It was so great visiting with Matt while he was touring Central Texas. He's a great guy and it's clear you are a great gal. Look forward to visiting with you one day. Thanks for the soap. Problem is, it's too nice to use. Love, Les

  2. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Great site here. I am curious what you used to wrap over this beautiful fabric? Is it cardstock? photo paper? Well, great job!


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