Thursday, April 01, 2010

Warm Weather is Here

More fun in school with students sewing, making polymer clay buttons, and an Easter egg hunt around the shrubs outside of the building. Everybody in a happy holiday mood. We saved the cups of Easter egg dyes for tie-dyeing next week. Won't that be fun. I visited Mary on the way home, took a peek at her new lambs and picked up eggs. I gave out the last of the fabulous cow's livers from Mary to the cats and dogs tonight. The White Boys are almost finished with the massive bones she brought for them. Spoiled rotten doggies! The Pulled in around 5 and took the doggies on a hike up to the pond. It was so warm I was puffing bit when we got to the top. Still no sign of the big gold fish. I wonder if the snapper I pushed in the pond last year got her. No sign of the snapper, either. I wonder if she moved on to another pond - okay with me! It will be snapper roving time soon. They like to come out of the water and lay eggs in plowed fields. Remember the time I found a giant one sunning herself in the middle of Academy Road. I tried to move her over to the side with my window scraper and she kept trying to bite the stick and me I think. I finally gave up and drove around her, with a long line of traffic behind me. The one I pushed in the pond had been off laying eggs, too, I bet. The dogs were harrassing her so I gave her a shove with my foot to get her in the water and save her from the dogs. Snappers can't retract their heads, which is why they are so mean I suppose. Tomorrow should be even warmer, approaching 80 they say. I have to remind myself that two years ago I had a baby goat kid freeze to death on April 17. We are not out of the woods yet, but it sure is fun for now. More wool washing and dyeing tomorrow, bag sewing and some housekeeping. I keep waiting for the fairies to come and tidy up for me but they haven't showed up yet.

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