Tuesday, April 20, 2010

View from My Window

This has been the prettiest two days this year I think. It's hard to get anything donw when I keep jumping up to peek out the window at the beautiful view. The sheep are enjoying the green grass. The pile of hay/manure is the site of my future garden, which I think I will plant in old rabbit cages for protection. I know, sounds weird but it will all be revealed in the future. I went to Hamilton to pick up cups from Suzanne Farrington for shaving mugs. She didn't like the roving I brought her, which was a lovely black with some colored streaks. She wants plain black or gray roving for her felting classes. Fine with me, as I have more black wool than I know what to do with. She sent me on my way with 24 lovely mugs that I will fill with soap. I stopped at Whole Foods to visit with Candace, who says she will be coming to Maryland with Lisa Merian. That was good news. She might be able to help at my booth. Libby will undoubtedley be tied up with sheep lectures so it will be just Kim and myself. We are staying on the grounds this year in Libby's horse trailer apartment and taking meals provided by the festival. It will be too much fun. In the meantime I have to get busy. It's too tempting to roam through the barn, playing with the critters, and sorting through endless bags of wool. I have yet another run of roving to get out to the mill. Haven't started sewing yet today and it's almost four. Time to let the sheep out to graze.

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