Monday, April 19, 2010

My Right Hand Man

I spent most of the day going back and forth from my crafts to my animals and back again. Gorgeous, perfect weather day, and lovely for me to stay home. I let the sheep out to graze late afternoon. They are staying close with enough green grass on the near hillside. So lovely to see them through the window as I putter around the house. Izzy helped me get them back in. He was shaking with excitement when I went out to get them. I picked up a stick in lieu of my staff and Izzy took off like a shot. His herding is a little rusty as he split the flock and sent them up the hill, not down to the barn. I called him back and he came right away, head down as if apologizing for being too anxious. The sheep knew it was time to come in and came running to avoid being collected by Izzy. I puttered around with feeding goats, chickens, kitties, lambs, pouring shaving soap while Luna had her corn snack, and preparing dog meals. Stars and planets came out one by one while the sunlight diminished in the west. Now it's in for the night with sewing and new episode of Nurse Jackie. Some of the soy wax candles I made today are burning now. Baked potatoe in the microwave and maybe some sherry later. Life is good.

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