Monday, April 12, 2010

Home for the Night

Home is the only safe place. Four more days and I can hunker down here for a week while others head out for exciting places. It's cold and blustery outside. Too early for cotton as I found out today in school. I turned the heat on in my classroom for the first time all year I think. Back in early in the morning for meetings, but for now it's just me, my critters and my sewing machine. My propane tank is empty. They said they tried to call me, but what the hey? I work for a living! They won't bring gas unless I leave a check or am there to pay for it. Now they want an extra 80 bucks to fill the little tank, which costs $88 to fill. Thanks, gang. Fortunately I have electric heat, a wood stove (that smokes horribly) and a microwave. I could always cook in my dye stove oven, which I keep on for the kitties anyway, but I'm afraid of some kind of poison fumes in the food. I can cook baked potatoes in the micro so I'm not worried, and I love those taters. Back on the machine where I have several bags going. Oh, they are so pretty!! I have 20 bags hanging, two from last season, and my goal is 30 (down from 50!) I think I will make it, Lord willing and the creek don't rise!

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