Sunday, April 18, 2010

Billy Goat is Growing Up

I caught Billy Goat on the move yesterday. What a cutie, but difficult to photograph as he is always running around me, chortling and jumping on my legs, looking for his bottle. Yes, the bottle. I am trying to wean him off milk replacer. He is old enough, but very dependent on the warm, delicious drink that fills his belly and makes him happy with the world. I'm filling the bottle with mostly warm water. I don't want to buy another bag of the expensive powder, which is really dried whey, a by product of cheesemaking. Remember Miss Muffett, eating her curds and whey? They charge a ridiculous price for it. I'm putting a touch of goat milk in with Billy Goat's warm water bottle. When the goats go out on grass, he will be eating something better for him nutritionally anyway. Still cloudy and cold with a little frozen rain this morning. I get to stay home ALL day, what bliss! Two black chenille circle totes on the machine along with my very last jungle tote. I left NJ with a big bolt of it and now it's gone. Fabulous tapestry with a great animal print that goes with everything. Kim took the next to the last one for a baby gift. I'm tempted to keep this one but I will probably end up sharing it with the knitting universe. Mia's nurse friend found herself pregnant with boy twins (she and the surgical resident FOT are now happily married) and the Jungle Tote was a perfect gift for her. My hot bath waits, and so do some barn chores, then washing dyed wool and putting it out to dry, then washing more wool for yet another dye pot, then sewing, then cutting up LOTS of soap, then hike up the hill, then more soap, then more sewing, and so it goes.

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