Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Libby's Lambs

My two shepherd friends, Mary and Libby both have a bumper crop of lambs this year. I stopped to pick up eggs at Mary's farm on the way home and got a look at her barnyard full of little angels. They surrounded me and nibbled on my fingers and jeans. Libby has a lot of black lambs this year. I adore black wool but my customers prefer vibrant colors which you can only get by dyeing white wool. I have a giant tub of black BFL and Merino fleeces to sort. I'll send it to the mill to be blended with streaks of vibrant colors. I might just leave some black for myself.


  1. They are so cute! I love natural black wool. Would love to get some for me.

  2. I think the all black would be quite nice for plying. I like dark yarn myself and think your beautiful blends like lipstick pink would look smashing plied with black. some people have no imagination.


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