Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Big Storm Coming, But Not Here

It seems so odd that yet another big storm is hitting just south of us. The ride home from work may still be tricky but nothing like what they are dealing with in New Jersey, Pa. and Maryland. Here on the farm the goaties are safe in the hay mow and the sheep are warm and dry in the lower barn. Chris is very fond of the babies, as he always is, and doesn't seem to mind being locked in with all the alfafa hay he can possibly eat. I'm feeding the moms a goat/horse grain mixture they are crazy about, and I make sure Chris gets his share. I have to hold the bucket up for him or the goat moms bust in and push him out. Last night Billy Goat seemed more comfortable with his brother and other playmates. One of these days I will leave him up there for the day and see how it goes.

1 comment:

  1. Oh what happy babies - there is nothing cuter than sweatered goat babies!


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