Monday, December 28, 2009

Welcome Nicholas

I went out at 12 noon for a lamb watch and there she was, in a perfect spot, pawing the ground and baaing at nothing. This was more like a painful baaing, not the baby-talk I so often hear. Now I know why - she birthed a huge, black, Merino/BFL ram lamb, even bigger than Loki. Mom and baby, Nicholas, are doing fine. Nicholas is a little tired after being squeezed out a tunnel too small for such a big boy. Mom is chowing on hay big time. Good thing I never fed her an ounce of grain or corn. I don't know how she could have passed a lamb any bigger. I better knit some big coats real quick. Most of the lambs so far are way too tiny for these big singles I'm having. They'll be fine if I have any twins, which could happen any minute. Six lambs in the barn so far: Luna, Loki, Mary Magdalene, Joseph, Dina, and Nicholas. Any name suggestions? I'll need a few more!


  1. How about Nova for a new years baby? It means new in Latin or if you have a black ewe Nikita to go with Nicholas which is Russian for night?

    HUGs to all
    Kim and Crew

  2. I love hearing about your life on the farm. A couple name suggestions would be Angel or some form of, Star, Michelle, Michelangelo, Nova, Comet. Steph in NH

  3. Buster, Hank, Caeli, Gloria, Pongo, Perdita, Midge, Madge, Ann, Abby, Eppie, Ruth, Pauline, Jeanne, Mariah, Jordan, Josie, Jorge, Georg (not George--pronounced "gay-org"), Jesus ("hay-sus"), Jeb, Jed, Jake, Merlot, Pinot Noir, Syrah, Cabernet, Rose, Chardonnay.... Just a few....


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your input!