Thursday, November 26, 2009

Lovely Weather

Gorgeous day out there. Walked a bit with the doggies and lured some sheep out for a corn treat. Lilly is very bagged up and dropped. Before birth some sheep look like they've lost some weight, but it's the lamb/s moving down. Hope it happens while we're having this mild weather but her lambs came last year on New Year's Day when it was bitter, horrible cold. I just put a 25 pounder in the oven, in a pan that's not quite big enough. My mother would have LOVED this turkey. She always bought the biggest one she could find. I stuffed it with whole wheat stuffing, greatly enhanced by my own additives. Talked to Matt - they are sending him to another hospital tomorrow to have his stone pulverized. He's pretty miserable but still getting lots of morphine, and tons of fluids to move that stone through, but it's not budging. I'll bring him some NY Times, if I can find one, and his cell phone charger tonight. I'm wrapping soap and watching movies. The parade was wonderful this morning. My NYPD father used to take us all to the parade years ago. We watch it faithfully on TV every year. Have to find my dairy farmer neighbor who I bought some 2nd cut bales from in lieu of the wet round bales. Matt told him he would help him get the hay in but now that Matt is out of commission I'm hoping to get a few to hold me over. Mia called - they sent her home from the hospital because her patient load is low. Can you imagine a teacher being sent home because kids are absent? After getting yourself in there, ready to go? Not a problem as she's joining Andrew's family for a Thanksgiving celebration. I don't know where Eric and Annie went with the kids out in CA., but I know they are traveling. Happy, Happy one and all.

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