Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Trying to get "up" for the day. It's not happening. I'm out of cat food, what else is new, so I make my French Toast for them - bread soaked in milk and butter. They love it, and probably has everything commercial cat food has in it except for the road kill. Two teachers I work directly with are out for the week with H1N1 flu. Oh, Joy, please let me not be next. I can hear Matt's voice as he sails happily out the door to his fun and fulfilling job saying Bye - Feel Better!! as I lie choking and gasping flat on my back and animals mill around the water tank waiting for a drink. Well, we won't let that happen. I'm trying to observe the "three foot" rule and wash my hands all the time. A school is one big biohazard with sick kids whose parents have kicked them out the door to get on the bus and bring their germs to us. Okay, it's wash-hair day so I better get in the tub. It just might improve my mood - not likely but it's a chance I have to take.

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