Monday, August 10, 2009

Coffee Table Chaos

Heat and humidity forecast for today. Sunday was gray and rainy, with rumbling thunder through the night. Loren came and we got the boys seperated from the girls. I only have Wooster, my purebred BFL ram, left as Othello was the dead sheep at the end of the barn. All that ruined Merino wool, and a heck of a job getting a 300 pound rotten corpse out of the mud and up to the dead pile. I don't have to tell you it understandably put Matt in one sour mood. Thank goodness Loren was here to help or my day would have been completely shot to hell. Loren unloaded the last hay wagon of first cut. The elevator is still broken. I need a new motor, probably $300 or more. The elevator is fantastic and was $14,000 when purchased by Chris Kupris years ago. It's rusting away on the outside but the inside metal is shiny red laquer. I suppose I should paint it but have no idea how to go about it. It would take weeks to sand the rust off while standing on a ladder. It just can't happen right now. I hope a new motor will make it last a few more years, or until I am no longer in farming. In the meantime I am wrapping soap big time, which I do not mind while watching a good movie. The soap is a blessing. I do enjoy watching people pour over all the boxes. A dentist bought ten bars for his employees on Saturday. I sit at the coffee table, laden with the detritus of my life, an accurate reflection of the chaos of my own making that I deal with every day, with all the doggies around me, kitties on my shoulder, and, with a good movie, all my farming woes disappear for a while.

1 comment:

  1. HUGS honey!!! Wish I was ther to wrap it with you - I unwrapped a new bar last night after the sheep dog trials and it was instant heaven!!!
    Sorry to hear about losing Othello -he was a stunner!! He had a great life on Maggies Farm. A new storm sheep in the sky!


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