Friday, August 07, 2009

Positively Sublime

The weather is perfect again today. I slept on the sofa - one of my favorite vacation things to do - and woke up a bit stiff and creaky. No wonder, as Izzy (who slept underneath my pillow, and Holly, who slept between me and the back of the sofa, causing me to almost fall off all night long, kept me company. (Yes, I am the Queen of the run-on sentences.) I cleaned out my future work room, AKA cat room, yesterday and what a difference. I've wanted to do it for a long time but just never got around to it. I hauled all the big plastic tubs outside and went through my archives of fabric. I found many small pieces which I'll make into small bags, and a couple of nice big pieces for several bigger bags. August is a lean month for me and I can't buy fabric, just when sales are on and I need to make product. That's okay, as it makes me use up what I have. I swept and mopped the room with soap and clorox, my favorite cleaning agent. It kills MRSA and CMV, and neutralizes all traces of kitty stuff. The cats are horrified. I'm feeding them in the milk room, but they yowled outside the door of their former lair all night. This room will be fabulous once it's done. It's long and wide and there are doors on the north side and south side of the barn. Long range planning - I will make this room into another kitchen with a big red AGA (NY State is one state where having an AGA makes sense) and a black and white tile floor. I love the way Italians in New Jersey have two kitchens - one for show upstairs and a big utilitarian kitchen in the basement. Since NY State won't let me keep hay in the mow on top of me, I will make that my giant work room/bedroom. The person who can make all this possible has no intention of starting it any time soon, as he is totally consumed with his exciting new career. One can only live and hope...and fantasies are free, as I say so often these days. As for today, I'll take care of critters, sew, wrap soap and spin. Plenty of coffee in the house, some melon, chicken in the freezer, life is good.


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