Saturday, August 15, 2009

Off to the Market

The mist is burning off in the valley and I am off to the farmer's market. I wonder if the Colgate kids will be coming back yet. Their moms and dads are my best customers. I have plenty of product and will have more if I keep my nose to the grindstone the next three weeks...then the shows start and I will be okay if I work hard and keep my head on straight. Funny, I am the least apprehensive about school starting that I have ever been. If they've kept me for three years I guess they plan on keeping me on. Can't imagine why...fortunately I have a supervisor who understands me and supports me. I'll be glad to see my colleagues, as they are quirky and interesting and larger than life in many ways. Why am I writing about September when August is not yet over...but it's sliding away fast. Better keep sewing and swimming. Gotta mount up and get outta here...I hope Will cuts some hay for me today!!

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