Wednesday, August 12, 2009

More Musings

Okay, so they didn't pick up my garbage. They rolled right by without slowing down. I called the office and the nice lady told me it was probably because I didn't have the dumpster turned in the right direction. WHAT?? Apparently, when they left it in the middle of the driveway, I didn't roll it into the correct position for lining up with their truck. She said if it is in the wrong position they "guys" have to get out and pull it into the right position with a chain. But we couldn't drive in so I moved it out of the way! And what about the Sisters? I explained I shared the driveway with two nuns who didn't appreciate their way being blocked. So now my dumpster is full on a hot summer day with a check hanging off it. I still don't understand how to position it, and if I can move it on the rollers, why can't two big strong men? Yada, yada, yada. She said she would call them to come back but they didn't. They better not charge me for today! So what else to do but sew tote bags? When the world gives you a heavy tote to carry it in! I know, that's getting old. I made two adorable little Solar Totes out of the zodiac tapestry fabric I found in the tractor shed. They have to be small or else I cut into the suns next to the one I am focusing on. I sewed for a few hours, between critter activities, then went outside to get some soap fabric from the shed. I heard some plantiff goat calls and discovered that some of the boys have broken out of their pen. They want their girlfriends back. I brought my fabric in and found a bucket with some rabbit pellets in it. I succeeded in getting Manny back in the pen, but Barack Obama and the other older buck were not as easy to persuade. Holly and Izzy were not helping. It's too hot to deal with this running around now so I will wait until Matt gets home. Oh, Joy, will that be pleasant! Back to my blissfull sewing and soap wrapping and movie channels. I've started watching the Current channel since Laura Ling and her journalist friend were rescued from Korea. I never tuned in to their network until they put it on the news. Pretty good, lots of "current" topics, and lots of "green" stuff.

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