Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Midweek Musings

The days are flying by. I'm nervous about the fall shows, but these jitters get my mojo working. I have to get out today and pick up olive oil and shortening for almond soap. Have to drive 25-30 miles to get to a grocery store big enough to get decent prices. Some things on my mental to-do list:

Find stencils to change the location on my booth sign - I no longer live on the Delaware.

Order hand creme jars from Sunburst Bottle Company.

Order more shea butter and lavender oil.

Order more hand creme jar stickers.

Print more soap labels - still no printer so have to order out.

Order more note card inserts.

Haul some of this mother lode of fiber to Staples, buy boxes and ship to mill. Include bribe to get it rush carded and shipped back to me in two weeks!!

Resolve pop-up tent issue. I have to leave my booth overnight in Norwich during Colorscape and it will surely rain.

The list goes on and on. Ofcourse, this all takes $$ at a time when funds are low. It takes money to make money. What to do, what to do? Just keep plugging away and make all the product I can with what I have. Mia is coming tomorrow! Her visit is always a delightful and happy time. I hear all the hospital stories, and what's going on with her girlfriends, and Morristown gossip. Time to hit the sewing machine, or the sorting table, or the dyepots. Or maybe I should wash the mountain of dishes waiting for me. No, let's not do that!

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