Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Before Ten O'Clock

Fed cats at four feeding stations.
Walked and fed dogs.
Collected and took first wave of garbage to dumpster.
Picked dandelion leaves for bunnies.
Fed and watered chickens. Rescued three more chicks from the rabbit cage after distracting mom with dandelion leaves. Got away before she started coming after me.
Spread out last night's fleece on drying rack.
Washed next fleece in line, divided between two dye pots, got them cooking.
Now it's time for breakfast but no eggs in the nestboxes. Had a hankering for scrambled eggs. Oh, Well, there's that box of Wheaties...I had two bananas but I fed them to the chickens. Sure would have been good on the cereal. Stop whining and get back to work!


  1. Wow, busy busy. Good work Maggie... I just dragged myself out of bed at 10am! Need to start getting myself up earlier in preparation for school next week. When are you back?

  2. You are so busy. If you have time - come over and check out my Grandma's recepi for dyieng yarn.

  3. That is such a beautiful, relaxing view from your door with the sweet "kittiens" looking out. Very peaceful looking -- even though you were busier than a bee in a clover field --- hope you took a moment to just gaze too!


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