Monday, August 17, 2009

93 and Steamy

I have so much to do but it's just fabulous taking my time in the morning. Matt's out of town teaching lead-safe weatherization in the Adirondacks so there was no rushing around to get out of the house. I slept on the sofa watching TV and woke up to one of my favorite movie scenes - all those Rambouillet sheep swarming over the mountainside in Brokeback Mountain. I switched to the Today Show, which I never get to watch when I'm back in school. Loren is up in the hay mow stacking bales. The tropical storm in the South is giving us all this lovely humidity. We've been spoiled so far this summer. I'll be sorting fleeces, washing and dyeing the wool and checking on critters. I found a new, unopened box of Wheaties in the larder and had a bowl with ripe nectarines and cold milk. Hmmmm, good. More coffee than I'm ready for action. Hannah and Luke start back to school in San Jose today. Wish I could have seen them on the first day. It was always a big deal in my house. Every year I took pictures of AJ and Mia all dolled up with their new gear, and watched them get on the bus. Those were the days...

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